“Access to an online TV news archive would be of tremendous value in research and teaching. Instructors in many different kinds of classes, from basic reporting to journalism history, could use TV broadcasts as case studies to illustrate issues in journalism and journalistic ethics. I get frequent requests from students and faculty who want copies of newscasts, but mostly they have to rely on what was written about a broadcast, or, if they’re lucky, a transcript.”

- Paul Grabowicz, director of the New Media program, adjunct professor, and assistant dean, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism


“It’s currently difficult for a teacher to cite TV news in class or have students research TV news coverage of past events. A publicly accessible online archive of TV news could change that.

“A television news archive would be invaluable for studying the evolution of the media, especially how television technology has shaped the way the media gather news. A television archive also makes it possible for students to research TV news coverage, just as students for years have used microfilm to find old newspaper articles. It is imperative that our teaching and research methods reflect the variety of media forms that affect our daily lives—and, clearly, television is one of the most predominant.”

- Pamela Burdman, instructor, San Francisco City College, and former staff writer for the San Francisco Chronicle


The Television Archive is a 501(c)(3) public nonprofit that was founded to build a "television library," with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format.

TV News Search & Borrow

The TV News Search & Borrow service is designed to help engaged citizens better understand the issues and candidates in the 2012 U.S. elections by allowing them to search closed captioning transcripts to borrow relevant television news programs.

  Explore TV News Search & Borrow

The September 11th Collection

The 9/11 Television News Archive is a library of news coverage of the events of 9/11/2001 and their aftermath as presented by U.S. and international broadcasters. A resource for scholars, journalists, and the public, it presents one week of news broadcasts for study, research and analysis.

  Explore the September 11th Collection

Happy News Year

An exhibit of news broadcasts from around January 1st, 2012 from more than 60 stations in 30 countries. We hope the Happy News Year exhibit will highlight the amazing breadth of culture and opinion available through daily television news.

  Explore the Happy News Year Collection


Television Archive
E-mail: info@archive.org